Control Systems and Computers, N4, 2021, Article 4

Control Systems and Computers, 2021, Issue 4 (294), pp. 28-34.

UDC 004.032.26

A.V. Manokhin, student, Computer Systems Software Department of the Applied Mathematics Faculty  National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Politechnic Institute”, Peremohy Ave 37, Kyiv, Ukraine, 

N.A. Rybachok, PhD, Senior Lecturer, Computer Systems Software Department of the Applied Mathematics Faculty  National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Politechnic Institute”, Peremohy Ave 37, Kyiv, Ukraine, E-mail:


The article highlights aspects of the use of deep machine learning to recognize the accents of the English language. The software has been developed to determine the percentage of how close audio recordings are to each of 8 most common English accents. A convolutional neural network consisting of 2 convolutional layers, 1 max pooling layer, and 2 dense layers was trained across 2 epochs on a set of 5,516 audio recordings taken from the English Multi-speaker Corpus for Voice Cloning resource. The forecasting accuracy of 89.07% was achieved on the test data presented by 11 thousand MFCC matrices with a dimension of 50×87.

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Keywords: neural network, deep machine learning, accent recognition, MFCC, CNN.

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Received 20.07.2021