Control Systems and Computers, N5, 2019, Article 8

Control Systems and Computers, 2019, Issue 5 (283), pp. 70-79.

UDC 004.942

O.V. Babak, PhD in Techn. Sciences, Senior Researcher, Department of ecological digital systems, International Research and Training Centre of Information Technologies and Systems of the NAS and MES of Ukraine, Glushkov av., 40, Kiev, Ukraine, 03187,, 

I.V. Surovtsev, Dr (Engineering), Senior Researcher, Department of ecological digital systems, International Research and Training Centre of Information Technologies and Systems of the NAS and MES of Ukraine, Glushkov av., 40, Kiev, Ukraine, 03187,,

A.E. Tatarinov, Researcher, Department of ecological digital systems, International Research and Training Centre of Information Technologies and Systems of the NAS and MES of Ukraine, Glushkov av., 40, Kiev, Ukraine, 03187,,

V.M.Galimova, PhD in Chemistry, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, the Department of Analytical and Bioinorganic Chemistry and Water Quality, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Heroiv Oborony Str.15, building 2, of. 18, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03041,

The Method of Psychophysical Scale Constructing for Assessing the Conditions of the Studied Object

Introduction. When conducting research in various fields of science and technology, the experimenters have the important task of reducing the number of full-scale experiments. This important task can be solved by creating a psychophysical scale of the object state, similar to the E. Harrington scale, built on the basis of the law of normal distribution. However, this circumstance does not allow it to be used if the experimenter does not have knowledge of the distribution law of random variables characterizing the object under study.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to create a method for psychophysical scale construction for assessing the states of an object under study, eliminating the need to know the distribution law of random variables characterizing this object.

Methods. To implement the psychophysical scale for assessing the state of an object we use a procedure called a computer passive (active) mental complete factor experiment (MСFE). In passive MСFE, which is characterized by the uncertainty and unpredictability of the estimation of the output parameter, the output parameter is a generalized parameter that determines the formal interrelation of factors. In the active MCFE, which is characterized by the certainty and predictability of the estimate of the output parameter, the output parameter is also a generalized parameter that reflects the informal interrelation of factors corresponding to the actual functioning of the object. To obtain a mathematical estimation model in both passive and active MСFE, the orthogonal matrix of the complete factor experiment is used.

Results. The developed evaluation method showed sufficient efficiency in processing data from a computer experiment. The advantage of this method is that it can be applied not only when the output parameter is a random variable with a normal, but also with other distribution laws.

Conclusions. The developed method can be used to solve the problems of assessing the state of various objects when creating intelligent systems for analyzing information of a similar kind in order to obtain new knowledge.

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Keywords: mental complete factor experiment, response function, assessment, generalized parameter, mathematical model, psychophysical scale.

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Received 08.10.2019