Control Systems and Computers, N1, 2017, Article 6


Upr. sist. maš., 2017, Issue 1 (267), pp. 59-67.

UDC 004.89 + 004.932

R.O. Tkachenko 1, P.R. Tkachenko 2, I.V. Іzonіn 3, D.A. Batyuk 4

Methods of Image Pre-Processing Based on Neuro-Paradigm of Geometric Transformation Model

1 – Doctor of Engineering Science, L’viv polytechnic National University, Address: 12 Bandera str., Main building, Room 202, L’viv, Ukraine, E-mail:

2 –  PhD of Eng. Sc., Lviv Educational-Scientific Institute of the Higher Educational Institution “University of Banking Affairs” (Lviv),

3 –  PhD of Eng. Sc., L’viv polytechnic National University, Address: 12 Bandera str., Main building, Room 202, L’viv, Ukraine, E-mail:

4 – Post graduate student, L’viv polytechnic National University, Address: 12 Bandera str., Main building, Room,  202, L’viv, Ukraine.

Introduction. The task of image preprocessing for the problems of the intellectual analysis become a significant spread in our time.  It is explained by the increasing necessity to apply similar procedures in the areas such as medicine, criminology, video, and more. The realization of problem solution for improving the digital images quality sometimes of the large dimension in online mode and while minimizing the computing resources continues to be very relevant. Similar restrictions required the use of the effective methods and tools for its solution. One possible approach to solve this problem may be the use of the fast and effective machine learning procedures.

Purpose. There are many tools for the machine learning implementation. In this article the  authors use the tools of computational intelligence – artificial neural networks. This apparatus allows the rapid and efficient learning. The use of such tools for solving the problem of improving the quality of digital images is not new. However, the existing methods are based on the classical neural networks have the significant drawbacks. It imposes a number of restrictions.

In the article the  authors use a new paradigm of building artificial neural networks. It is based on the geometric transformation machine. Exactly this advantage is providing the possibility of solution the problem of improving the quality of digital images in online mode.

The authors describe the topology of the neural network of solution to the problem of improving the quality of digital images, the basic steps of the training algorithm. The proposed learning algorithm is different from the existing ones by speed and accuracy, It provides an effective solution of the problem of increasing the quality of the digital images. Also, the authors in detail describe the process of applying trained neural network to solve the problem.

Conclusions. Therefore, in this article a new method of image preprocessing to improve its quality for further intellectual analysis is described. The method is simulated in different images. The estimation of the images quality, using four indicators, is carried out. It is established that the efficiency of the method is the best on one class of images. A comparison of the proposed method with existing ones is conducted. The basic advantages of the developed method for its application in real-time vision systems are described.

Keywords: image resolution, machine learning, neuro-paradigm, Geometric Transformation Model.

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Received 31.01.2017