Control Systems and Computers, N4, 2016, Article 2


Upr. sist. maš., 2016, Issue 4 (264), pp. 16-26.

 UDC 65.011.56

Timashova Liana A., Doctor of Eng. Sciences, Head of the department, International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems NAS and MES of Ukraine, Glushkov ave., 40, Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine, E-mail:

Intellectualization Problems of Solving Modeling and Control Tasks for Production Processes

Methods. Existing computer-aided facilities are not always ready for the high-quality solving of the management problems, that are different from traditional problems in an algorithmic way. The intelligent modeling aids can be such a tool.

Purpose. The approaches for the intelligent modeling include the use of both classic mathematical methods (fuzzy sets, multiagent systems, genetic algorithms and methods) and development of models for mentation as the main function of human intelligence. The classic methods mentioned above work efficiently under conditions of uncertainty of the management processes.

A concept version for the intelligent modeling systems realization to make the executive production decisions is proposed. The simulation and artificial intelligence technologies are united. The simulation technologies proved to be efficient for the certain classes of day-to-day management problems. Artificial intelligence deals with the development of the systems based on knowledges.

Such systems include both knowledges necessary for qualified research for the simulation of the corresponding classes objects and knowledges of the personnel management that makes management decisions. Thus, the limits of simulation application methods extend considerably because the end-users of these systems should not have any special knowledge in the field of programming and simulation anymore.

Conclusion. The results of this research can be used as a theoretical and methodological base by the  enterprises managers, scientific bodies in the process of research and realization of the approaches for management of enterprises to control the innovation processes, to teach students and post-graduate students.

Keywords: virtual systems, virtual enterprises, information technologies, intelligent control systems.

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