Control Systems and Computers, N2, 2016, Article 11


Upr. sist. maš., 2016, Issue 2 (262), pp. 85-91.

UDC 004.67:543.062

Surovtsev I.V., Ph.D., International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of NAS and MES of Ukraine, prosp. Glushkova, 40, Kiev 03187, E-mail:,

Galimov S. K., Postgraduate Student, International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, pr. Glushkova, 40, Kiev 03187,

Data Processing Algorithm of Concentration Measurement by Method Chronoionometry

Introduction. The method of the repeated additive using the actual inclination of electrode function is the most exact at concentration measurement of the elements in ionometry.

Purpose. The purpose of research is to create the data processing algorithm of measurement concentration on the device of inversion chronopotentiometry with the ion-selective electrodes use and a method of the repeated additive.

Methods. According to the algorithm, values are read out on the device at a rate of 4 kHz, the magnitude of the potential is determined in a cycle of measurement by duration 1 second and the graph of chronopotentiogram is displayed for the con-
trol of stability. The mass of an element in a solution of sample is found out of linear relationship of the potential difference from the logarithm mass of additives, values of additives are defined more precisely and value of element concentration is
determined under the electrode characteristic of the additive.

Results. The new method of chronoionometry which uses the algorithm for concentration measurement on the device of inversion chronopotentiometry is created. It is successfully applied at creation of methods of measurement performance of potassium, sodium and calcium in drinking and natural water mass concentration without preparation of the sample that substantially augments rapidity and simplicity of carrying out the analysis. New developed chlorine-silver electrode with double
electrolytic key which is applied in methods has confirmed the own capacity for work and reliability.

Conclusion. The suggested algorithm improves presentation and the stability control of potentials measurement, allows the user to choose the concrete values of the additives potentials at calculation of the concentration that augments the reliability and accuracy of concentration measurement, expands functionalities of the device and makes it more universal. 

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Keywords: algorithm, ionometry, concentration, electrode function of the additive, ion-selective electrodes, chronopotentiometry.

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Received 09.04.2015