Control Systems and Computers, N3, 2018, Article 7


Upr. sist. maš., 2018, Issue 3 (275), pp. 69-84.

UDC 681.513.2

R.V. Voloshchuk, Research Associate, International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of the NAS and MES of Ukraine, Glushkov ave., 40, Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine,


Introduction. The state bodies are constantly solving the problems of the economic security However, in modern conditions, we should create a system that would be able to provide and maintain the necessary level of security. In this case, the primary task is to creation the means for an objective assessment of the economic security level.

Purpose of the article is to design information technology for quantitative assessment and forecasting the integral indicators of the economic security using the available statistical data to effectively solving the problems of the sound management decisions.

Methods: normalization of statistical indicators – piecewise linear and nonlinear; calculation of weights – based on pairwise comparisons, ranking method, direct assessment method, adaptive assessment method, CIM. For implementation the system Microsoft Excel and StatSoft Statistica software products are used.

Results. Information technology are developed to solve the problems of integrated assessment and forecasting the state of the economic security. The created technology are applied on the example of the investment security area. It is found that the greatest improvement in the state of the integral index is possible through the indicators “Depreciation of fixed assets” and “The share of foreign direct investment in total”.

Conclusion. The developed information technology allows individuals to make management decisions in relevant government agencies (government, ministries, and departments) to monitor and predict the level of the state economic security, by industry and through the integral security index as a whole. In particular, the rapid identification of industries with a current or potential possible low level of security is provided, indicators that are the source of relevant dangerous trends are identified, and the possibility of the resources identification and their more rational use is provided, which should ensure an improvement in the level of safety of both the individual industry and security in general.

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Keywords: information technology, complex system, integral index, indicator weights, investment security.


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Received 17.10.2018