Control Systems and Computers, N1, 2016, Article 3


Upr. sist. maš., 2016, Issue 1 (261), pp. 16-25, 33.

UDC 004.03; 004.3; 004.4; 004.5; 004.7

Eresko Vitaliy V., Chief Engineer, E-mail:,

Nesterenko Nikolay V., Research fellow, 

Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Glushkov ave., 40, Kyiv, 03187

About the Construction of Mobile Computer Systems for Informational Support on Solving the Tasks of User

Introduction. The approach to development of mobile information support system for automation of the various processes in industry, administration, science, education and everyday life is described.

Methods. The developed system differs from the known ones. The main features of the proposed system are listed below:

– comprehensive virtualization of the system components at all levels;

– the ability to create and flexibly reconfigure temporary virtual information spaces for user tasks;

– the ability to change the appearance of the presentation and the amount of received information;

– integrated approach to operability of the system and its hardware and software components;

– the opportunity to get information promptly on portable and mobile devices (including PDAs, smart phones and mobile phones);

– the use of universal applications templates for typical user tasks;

– the use of standard browser for the user interface;

– the use of standard office software and standard development tools.

The described universal computerized system of decision information support and automation of management tasks are created on the basis of the unified approach, using modern methods and techniques of virtualization of individual components and subsystems. The proposed typical systems were developed using the methods of components virtualization at several levels.

Results. The developed tools allow the creation of virtual workplaces and virtual information workspaces for a variety of tasks and categories of users.

Conclusion. Such systems are effective to create new, or flexibly reconfigure the existing, system for new objectives, including short-term tasks, for the spheres of production, automation of various processes, management processes, education and research. Thus, new systems are created in a relatively short time, with minimal financial cost.

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Keywords: mobile system of information support, virtual devices.

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Recieved 09.04.2015