Control Systems and Computers, N4, 2022, Article 2

Control Systems and Computers, 2022, Issue 4 (300), pp. 13-23

UDC 004.05

V.O. HORBATYUK, PhD student, Institute of Cybernetics named after V.M. Hlushkova NAS of Ukraine, 03187, Kyiv, ave. Akademika Hlushkova, 40, Ukraine, ORCID:,

S.O. HORBATYUK, junior researcher, department of the theory of digital automata, Institute of Cybernetics named after V.M. Hlushkova NAS of Ukraine, 03187, Kyiv, ave. Akademika Hlushkova, 40, Ukraine, ORCID:,

Methods for Сhecking the Resistance to http Attacks on a
Smart Home by Algebraic Comparison

Cyber ​​attacks become possible because of vulnerabilities in the IT infrastructure or in a particular system. It is impossible to create the completely secure environment, but it is possible to give sufficient attention to vulnerabilities and reduce the consequences of any attacks that will exploit these vulnerabilities. It is necessary to assume the probability of an attack and be ready to take actions now to prevent them from being successful again. Time is a definite factor in mitigating the damage from a cyber security breach. Thus, the key role is laid on detecting an intrusion as soon as possible and being able to neutralize or isolate the intruder. This work aims to show common types of cyberattacks on smart homes, as well as detections and methods for their tools. in this way, the method of mathematical comparison works in the work, which allows at the stage of system design to identify the possibilities of vulnerability and, as a result, create stable web applications and services, and at the stage of operation to assess the probability of attacks on the system and predict the consequences.

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Keywords: cyber security, HTTP protocol, cyber attack, smart home, attack resistance, algebraic modeling, algebraic matching, formalization, security properties.

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Received  01.11.2022