To the 80th anniversary of the academician of NAS of Ukraine Ivan Vasilyevich Sergienko

August 13, 2016 marked the 80th anniversary of the famous Ukrainian scientist in the field of computer science, computer mathematics, system analysis and mathematical modeling, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Director of the Cybernetics Institute, Director General of the Cybernetic Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Ivan Sergienko.
The results of scientific works I.V. Sergienko is widely known in the world scientific community: the academic school of the academician carries out developments in the field of computational mathematics and modeling of complex processes, successfully applying theoretical results in solving practical problems of economics, management, energy, medicine and other spheres of industrial activity of Ukraine. Under the leadership of I.V. Sergienko created a series of supercomputers SKIT, which significantly increases productivity in research in various fields of science.
Academician I.V. Sergienko – a repeated winner of state prizes in the field of science and technology of Ukraine, a full chevalier of the Order of Merit, was awarded prizes by the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. In 1995-2009 – Academician-Secretary of the Department of Informatics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, since 2009 – Advisor
Presidium of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences.
The editorial board of the magazine cordially congratulates Ivan Vasilyevich on his jubilee, wishes good health, inspiration and further creative successes.

Editorial board