Control Systems and Computers, N6, 2019, Article 4

Control Systems and Computers, 2019, Issue 6 (284), pp. 35-45.

UDK 004.9:004.75:004.451.82:004.738.52:004.823

A.P. LozinskiyJunior Research Associate, International Research and Training Centre of Information Technologies and Systems of the NAS and MES of Ukraine, Glushkov ave., 40, Kyiv, 03186, Ukraine,

Synthesis of Cloud Computing Platform Technologies

Introduction. The formation of the idea and the implementation of the synthesis of cloud computing single working environment from separate fields of information technology are considered. A multilevel mechanism for abstracting the cloud services is described to achieve the basic principles for implementing a service-oriented architecture. The application of the local cloud computing platform in the organization of scientific activity is considered.

Purpose. The purposes of this article are: 1) to present the process of synthesis of technologies in the framework of the idea of cloud computing; 2) consider a multi-level mechanism of abstraction in the implementation of the cloud computing key properties based on the concepts of “service” and “service-oriented architecture”; 3) to present a model of a multi-level architecture of a cloud computing platform developed by the author with a description of the interaction between the levels; 4) consider the use of combinatorial optimization in the process of redistributing the resources of cloud computing platforms between workloads; 5) determine the prospects for the local cloud computing platform usage in the organization of scientific activity.

Methods. The methods of abstraction, modeling, leveling, combinatorial optimization are used.

Results. A restructured version of the multi-level architecture original model of the cloud computing platform is proposed. The application of the model in formalizing the processes for optimizing the structure of the resources redistribution by combinatorial optimization methods is presented. The possibility of attracting cloud computing in the organization of the scientific activity is considered.

Conclusion. The original model of the multi-level architecture of cloud computing platforms developed by the author allows further formalization of the internal interaction processes of their components. A mathematical model of cloud computing platforms resource structures for combinatorial optimization has been developed. The argument of the objective function of combinatorial optimization is a combination without repetitions.

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 Keywords: cloud computing, optimization, multi-level architecture.

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Received 12.09.2019