Control Systems and Computers, N3, 2024, Article 8

Control Systems and Computers, 2024, Issue 3 (307), pp. 

UDK 330.3

L.I. Bazan, PhD Econ., Senior Research Associate, International Research and Training Centre for Information Technologies and Systems of the NAS and MES of Ukraine, Acad. Glushkov Ave., 40, Kiev, , Ukraine, 03187, ORCID:,

I.V. Yablokov, PhD Econ., Senior Research Associate, International Research and Training Centre for Information Technologies and Systems of the NAS and MES of Ukraine, Acad. Glushkov Ave., 40, Kiev, Ukraine, 03187, ORCID: 5099-5143,

D.O. Kucha, PhD Econ., Senior Research Associate, International Research and Training Centre for Information Technologies and Systems of the NAS and MES of Ukraine, Acad. Glushkov Ave., 40, Kiev, Ukraine, 03187, ORCID:,



Introduction. In modern conditions of development of the world economy, the digital economy is one of the most relevant and important factors in ensuring economic growth. The digital transformation of the economy is a primary direction of innovative development of socio-economic systems, and therefore a tool for creating long-term competitive advantages of the transport and logistics system. The article examines the issue of economic problems associated with obtaining an integrated assessment of the level of competitiveness of the transport and logistics system.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the impact of the digitalization of the economy on the competitiveness of the transport and logistics system and to create a model for obtaining an integrated evaluation of its competitiveness based on factors that reflect the specifics of the services provided by the system in the conditions of the digital transformation of the economy.

Research methods. The digital transformation of the transport and logistics system is carried out based on the implementation of digitalization at all levels of business processes of economic structures: from the optimization of the logistics of physical flows and the optimization of data exchange to customer service. To assess the level of competitiveness of the transport and logistics system, it is proposed to calculate the competitiveness index by group of services in the process of transporting material flow. The model for calculating the integrated indicator of the competitiveness of the transport and logistics system is described, which is a three-stage multifactor model.

Results. The economic evaluation of the digital transformation of the development of logistics services in railway transport allows for specifying the specifics of service services and clarifying the possibilities of using logistics methods of service response in carrying out cargo transportation. This makes it necessary to clarify the place and role of service support of cargo flow in the transport and logistics system and points to bottlenecks that must be overcome in the future to increase the level of competitiveness not only of the system but also of the country as a whole.

Conclusions. The development of the digital transformation of the transport and logistics system consists of solving various socio-economic and technological tasks, which include the emergence of new products and new markets; reduction of costs for conducting business activities; and increasing productivity and efficiency of logistics and transport processes. As a result is increased competition in the transport and logistics system.

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Keywords: digital transformation of the economy, transport and logistics system, competitiveness, standardization, logistics services.

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Received 06.03.2024