Contents, N2 (306), 2024

Control Systems and Computers, N 2 (306), 2024


Contents. pp.1-2.

Fundamental Problems in Computer Science

Smirnov A.O. Dynamic map management for Gaussian Splatting SLAM. pp. 

Tymofijeva N.K., Pavlenko N.Ye., Shevchenko S.A. Ways of Classifying Digital Platforms. pp. 

Intelligent Information Technologies and Systems

Oksanych I.M., Grechaninov V.F., Lopushanskyi A.V, Novgorodskij S.Ye., Holovskyi V.F. Integration of Different Approaches to the Modeling of Critical Infrastructure. pp. 

Kolisnyk V.H., Bodyk O.P. Algorithmic Approaches to Universal Analysis Models. pp.


Manako A.F, Manako V.V. Models Data Analysis of the Subject’s Lifelong Learning. pp. 

Bychkov O.S., Gezerdava O.V., Dukhnovska K.K., Kovtun O.I., Leshchenko O.O. Medical Card Information System for Data Analysis from Fitness Bracelets. pp. 

Ursu ​​I.O., Budnik Yu.S., Shevchenko O.O., Dyba M.B., Tarasyuk B.A., Pavlov V.A. A system for Determining the Degree of Fibrosis by Ultrasound Images of the Liver of Children with Autoimmune Hepatitis. pp.

Our Authors. pp. 

Instruction. pp.