Control Systems and Computers, N1, 2024, Article 1

Control Systems and Computers, 2024, Issue 1 (305), pp. 3-17

UDC 519.7

B.YeRYTSAR, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, L’viv Polytechnic National University, 12 Bandera Str., L’viv, 79013, Ukraine, ORCID:,


This article proposes the improved method for detecting (diagnosing) stuck-at-faults (0/1) in PIPO-type digital combinational circuits described by a system of logical functions. Compared to already known methods and algorithms, the presented approach is characterized by a simpler implementation of the search for vectors of the test codes for detection of such malfunctions at arbitrary points of a logic circuit with many outputs due to the usage of several simple numerical set-theoretic operations and procedures. The given examples prove the advantages of the proposed method.

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Keywords: digital PIPO-type combinational circuits, stuck-at-faults detection, vectors of the test codes, numerical set-theoretic approach, operations and procedures.

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Received 29.11.2023