Control Systems and Computers, N3, 2020, Article 7

Control Systems and Computers, 2020, Issue 3 (287), pp. 69-77.

UDC 004.942

O.V. Babak, Ph.D. in Techn. Sciences, Senior Researcher, Department of ecological digital systems, International Research and Training Centre of Information Technologies and Systems of the NAS and MES of Ukraine, Glushkov av., 40, Kiev, Ukraine, 03187,, 

I.V. Surovtsev, Dr (Engineering), Senior Researcher, Department of ecological digital systems, International Research and Training Centre of Information Technologies and Systems of the NAS and MES of Ukraine, Glushkov av., 40, Kiev, Ukraine, 03187,,

V.M.Galimova, Ph.D. in Chemistry, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, the Department of Analytical and Bioinorganic Chemistry and Water Quality, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Heroiv Oborony Str.15, building 2, of. 18, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03041,

Detoxification Costs Estimation of
Soils C
ontaminated with Heavy Metals

Introduction. When conducting research in various fields of science and technology, the problem arises of reducing the number of full-scale experiments, as well as completely eliminating their planning when constructing a mathematical model of an object. Its solution plays a particularly important role in evaluating the material costs of detoxifying soils contaminated with heavy metals.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to create an algorithm for constructing a mathematical model for estimating material costs for soil detoxification in precision farming, excluding full-scale experiments and their planning.

Methods. To solve the problem of estimating material costs in constructing a mathematical model, a systematic approach was used, a mental complete factor experiment (MСFE) at expert assessments of planned situations of the soil detoxification process.

Results. The developed estimation algorithm has shown sufficient efficiency in the processing of MСFE data. The advantage of the algorithm is that it can be used not only in the field of precision farming, but also in other areas.

Conclusions. The developed algorithm can be used both for solving problems of estimating material costs and for assessing the state of various objects in order to create intelligent systems.

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Keywords: mental full factor experiment, assessment, heavy metals, mathematical model, efficiency function, precision farming, detoxication.

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Received 12.03.2020