Profile of editorial board member

Rudenko Oleg


Scopus Id 7005837246

Researcher ID: 2963109

Google Scholar

Degree: Dr. Sci. (Eng.), 1986.

Scientific interests: methods if computation intelligence

Affiliation: Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics Ministry of Education of Science of Ukraine, Deputy Head of the Department of Information Systems.

Education: Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics, Faculty of System and Control, 1971.



  1. Rudenko O., Bezsonov O.,Romanyk O., Lebediev O. Analysis of convergence of adaptive algorithms for the identification of non-stationary objects. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4 (97), 2019. pp. 6-14.
  2. Liberal, V.D., Rudenko, O.G.,Bezsonov, A.A. Study of convergence of one-step adaptive identification algorithms. Journal of Automation and Information Sciences. 50 (10). 2018. pp. 60-76. 
    DOI: 10.1615/JAutomatInfScien.v50.i10.50.
  3. Rudenko, O.G., Bezsonov, A.A. Neural network approximation of nonlinear noisy functions based on coevolutionary cooperative-competitive approach. Journal of Automation and Information Sciences. 50 (5). 2018. pp. 11-21.
    DOI: 10.1615/JAutomatInfScien.v50.i5.20
  4. Rudenko O., Bezsonov O., Lebediev O. Adaptive control over non-linear objects using the robust neural network FCMAC Eastern-European Joumal of Enterprise Technologies. 2018. 2/4 (92). pp. 4-14.
  5. Bezsonov O., Rudenko O., Udovenko S., Dudinova O. Processing of noisy digital images with use of evolving autoencoders. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6/9 (90), 2017 . pp. 63-69.