Control Systems and Computers, N2, 2019, Article 6

Upr. sist. maš., 2019, Issue 2 (280), pp. 70-79.

UDC 004.4

G.V. KHODIAKOVA, Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics of the V.O. Sukhomlynsky Mykolaiv National University, Mykolaiv, 11 Shneerson Str., Apt. 7,

V.A. POZDEEV, Doctor of Phys.-Math. Sciences, Chief of Department for applied mathematics and information computer technologies V.O. Sukhomlynsky Mykolaiv National University
Mykolaiv, Nikolskaya Str., 24, 54030

N.V. KHODIAKOVA, Senior Software Developer at Ray Sono AG, Bruderhofstrasse 3, 81371, Munich, Germany,


Introduction. In software engineering the development environment almost always differs from the runtime environment. This problem is solved through creating the environment-independent applications.

Purpose. This article aims at considering evolution dynamics and classification of modern means and technologies that ensure compatibility of development environment and applications that are developed and executed in this environment.

Methods. In this article various technologies for solving problems of creating environment-independent software with the purpose of abstracting management tasks are analyzed, widely used virtual machines and their drawbacks are briefly overviewed. A summary and classification of other means accompanying software development and deployment are given.

Results. The evolution trends of modern means and technologies that ensure the compatibility between development environment and applications that are developed and executed in this environment such as virtual machines, container technologies and their classification are considered. The trends of software creation and operation infrastructure are described, abstraction levels of infrastructure available to developers are marked out. A practical example of Docker container management system installation and the usage is provided, as well as of a load balancer operation mechanism.

Conclusion. The description of the currently developed software products that support technologies mentioned above, the comparative research of their functional abilities and the usage popularity among software developers and system administrators can be a subject of a separate research.

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Keywords: development environment, virtual machines, Docker-containers, application deployment platforms, container orchestration, micro services.


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Received 24.03.2019