Control Systems and Computers, N4, 2017, Article 2


Upr. sist. maš., 2017, Issue 4 (270), pp. 15-23.

UDC 658.

Timashova Liana A., Doctor of Eng. Sciences, Head of the department,, E-mail:

Leschenko Valentyna A., Research assistant of Virtual system department,

Morozova Anna I., Chief engineer-programmist of Virtual system department,

Taran Larysa Yu., Chief engineer-programmist of Virtual system department,

International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems NAS and MES of Ukraine, Glushkov ave., 40, Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine

Building an Intelligent Management System Using the Imaginative Thinking

Introduction. Thinking is a process that provides knowledge of the essence of objects, phenomena and the subject itself. Human being, as the subject of activity, models the activity, foresees its result, and in the form of ready-made solutions brings it into practice. Thinking provides a theoretical solution of the person’s practical problems. The problem, the task, the choice are the concepts that characterize the activities of man in the surrounding reality.
Purpose. An approach to building an intellectual system with the involvement of the certain elements of thinking is outlined. The problems of creative thinking of the man and machine are considered and the sides of thinking are revealed, which seems possible to delegate to an artificial system.
Methods. The sequence of the thinking process is carried out in the stages: from awareness and understanding of the problem situation, formulation of its principals to the searching the way to solve it with the help of the available knowledge, framing a hypothesis and issuing the judgment of the problem. At the first stage of the process, the final result is not yet visible, but in the course of the cogitative activity the future result is anticipated, and this means that thinking is a prediction.
Prediction is an important function for adaptation in the environment. Together with the formation of the predicted result, the goal is molded based on the initial conditions and the requirements of the task. The reality in the human mind is represented in the form of images – substitutes of the real objects that can record non-verbal information and represent any turn of thought without the detailed verbal conclusions. Thinking uses  the several types of images: the goal, the person, the action and its consequences. A new image is formed by copying, if there is no image, or by comparison according to the old pattern.
Results. While solving the problems and decision-making, people use both algorithmic and creative thinking. A person uses algorithmic thinking when he needs to solve a problem that is similar to what has already been solved, which is in the memory. This is due to the fact that human attention is concentrated on one of the properties of the analyzed object, which activates a long series of associations of the objects that have a similar property. Using this property, a solution is chosen, and in such a way, the task is solved.
Conclusion. Intellectual machine of the future, filled with elements of thinking and having a model reality in the form of ontology, will have a real opportunity to solve the difficult situations, and will also become the person’s serious assistant and friendly partner.

Keywords: intellectual system, visual thinking, image, ontology, knowledge.

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Received 26.07.2017