Control Systems and Computers, N1, 2019, Article 4
Upr. sist. maš., 2019, Issue 1 (279), pp. 31-40.
UDC 004.9
V.V. ZOSIMOV, PhD (Eng.), Associate Professor of the Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Department, V.O. Sukhomlynsky Mykolaiv National University, Nikolska str., 24, Mykolaiv, 54030, Ukraine,
Introduction. Today, enough attention is paid to the electronic market of services, namely structural and semantic standards for the corporate web resources development. In the Ukrainian segment of the World Wide Web, only a small percentage of web resources is developed using the semantic markup standards. Therefore, there is a need to develop a comprehensive web service technology, which will include methods, models and software for creating web resources with integrated semantic markup and information search using search agents. To ensure the effective operation of the technology, it is necessary to examine the content of corporate web resources, to develop a structure and dictionary of semantic tags to describe the structure constructed.
Purpose. Based on the analysis of the corporate web resources structure and its content, it is necessary to determine the general structure of corporate web resources.
Methods. The structure of the upper level elements is formed. Structural elements that are similar in meaning are merged into thematic groups for displaying. Based on the research results and the general structure of the upper-level elements built, the tree of the structural elements of the corporate web resource is constructed.
Results. During the experiment, the structure of 1000 corporate web resources is investigated. Web resource analysis and data retrieval are performed using an automated parser implemented by means of a web-based operating language.
The navigation menu elements are extracted from each web resource (5371 unique items were seized). Elements with an entry number less than 50 are ignored as non-informative. Formed list of informative structural elements.
The next step in manual mode is to revise 100 randomly selected web resources to study the content of the basic structural elements.
As a result of the research, the structure of the upper level elements is formed. Structural elements that were similar in meaning are merged into thematic groups for displaying.
Conclusion. Based on the structure and content analysis of corporate web resources, the overall structure of corporate web resources is determined. The study results are an integral part of the task of developing a specialized ontology of corporate web resources, taking into account the peculiarities of the domestic market for the development of Internet resources.
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Keywords: corporate web-resources, information extraction, web-resource structure, web-navigation, usability.
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Received 06.02.2019