Control Systems and Computers, N5, 2018, Article 5


Upr. sist. maš., 2018, Issue 5 (277), pp. 47-61.

UDC 303.721;004.03142

Grіtsenko Volodymyr I., Corresponding member of the Ukrainian academy of sciences, Director, E-mail:,,

Manako Аlla F., Doctor of Technical Sciences, head of the department, E-mail:,

Sinitsa Ekaterina M., PhD in Technical Sciences,  Deputy Director on Research, E-mail:,

International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of the NAS and MES of Ukraine, Glushkov ave., 40, Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine

Digital transformations and mass-scale continuous learning

 Introduction. The article deals with the actual problems of the evolution of electronic transformations under the influence of
information and communication technologies (ICT). The active use of ICT has led to significant changes in all areas of activity. Electronic transformations change the nature of objects and processes in various areas: business, government, health, library service and publishing. Under the influence of e-transformation, there have been significant changes in education: new forms and methods of learning arose, and elements of e-learning were included in the mandatory set of technologies at all levels of education. 

Purpose.  Analysis of the specifics of the modern period of transformations in the learning processes, namely, digital transformations, and description of their impact on massive continuous electronic education in terms of the relevant research and development tasks.

Methods. The results of the work are based on methods of system analysis, in particular, comparative analysis, generalization, research of scientific publications.

Results. Digital transformations are defined as a separate stage of change in a certain area of activity under the influence
of modern ICTs, which significantly modifies characteristics of this area and leads to the emergence of new entities. In the
field of education, a transition from the reproduction of traditional learning processes in virtual environments to the creation of new educational situations, pedagogical strategies and activities is taking place.The influence of digital transformations on changes in mass continuous education, in particular, in the interpretation of concepts of mass-scale and continuity is considered. The transformations of specific elements of mass continuous education are determined. The formulations and characteristics of tasks related to e-learning within mass continuous education are specified. The generalized set- theoretic model of mass continuous education for all as a combination of models, methods, resources, electronic and traditional environments and spaces is proposed.

Conclusion. Digital transformation affects the changing of society needs, the structure of interaction between actors, the practice of business processes. In education, the transformations lead to ualitative changes in the approaches, organization, models, methods and technologies of learning. The study of transformations in mass continuous education has made it possible to prioritize tasks and directions of technology development to ensure effective, timely and individualized learning.

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Keywords: e-learning,  digital transformation, information technologies for learning, education and training, mass-scale continuous education.

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Received 25.11.18