Control Systems and Computers, N3, 2018, Article 4


Upr. sist. maš., 2018, Issue 3 (275), pp. 42-50.

UDK 004.274

A.A. Barkalov, Doctor in Techn. Sciences, Professor, University of Zielona Gora, Podgorna str., 50, Zielona Gora, 65246, Poland,

L.ATitarenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the University of Zelenogorsk (Poland), Institute of Informatics and Electronics. Zielenogorski University, ul. Podgorna, 50, Zielona Gora, 65246, Poland

Y.E. Visor, Ph.D., Senior Researcher of the Institute of Cybernetics of NASU, 03187, Kiev, Glushkov Avenue, 40, Department 205,

O.V. Matvienko, Researcher of the Institute of Cybernetics of NASU, 03187, Kiev, Glushkov Avenue, 40, Department 200,

N.P. Kadet, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Applied Informatics, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine,


Introduction. A method alloving synthesize the schemes of a combined microprogram automaton (CMPA) with one EMB block is proposed. A case in which the codes of states and sets of micro operations do not affect the number of LUT elements in the automaton circuit is proposed.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is the development of a new method for synthesizing the scheme of a combined microprogram.

Methods. The methods and models used in the research are based on models depending on the behavior of the control device (PU) and on the features of the element basis. In this paper, cases are considered when the synthesis of PU schemes uses the model of the combined microprogram automatic machine (CMPA). There are two types of output signals in the connected machine. Output signals of Moore’s automaton exist during the operation of the machine. The output signals of the Miles are present only in the transition between the states. This main feature of the combined automaton is a basis for the developed method application.

Results. The proposed method allows to synthesize the schemes of the combined microprogram automaton (SMPA) with one block of EMB. This is achieved by encoding sets of micro operations corresponding to the input signals of the Mill machine. To implement micro operations, LUT elements are used. The article deals with the case in which the codes of states and sets of micro operations do not affect the number of LUT elements in the automaton circuit.

Conclusion. The analysis of the specialized library showed that this method should be used for 18% of all examples from this library. For the other 82%, one EMB block is enough to implement the SMPA scheme. Thus, the specified conditions are fulfilled for 96% of all examples. In these cases, sets of micro operations are represented by unitary codes.

The further direction of research is related to the adaptation of the proposed method for automata, which violates the given conditions. To do this, it is necessary to develop methods for encoding states of AND / OR sets of micro operations, which allow to reduce the number of LUT elements in the SMPA scheme.

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Keywords: combined automaton, FPGA, LUT, EMB, encoding of microoperations, synthesis.


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Received 20.06.2018