Control Systems and Computers, N3, 2018, Article 2


Upr. sist. maš., 2018, Issue 3 (275), pp. 18-32.

UDC 004.94

Halyna A. Pidnebesna, junior research scientist, Departament for Technologies of Inductive Modelling, International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of the NAS and MES of Ukraine, Glushkov ave., 40, Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine,


Introduction. In the field of information technology, one of the most actual problems is the development and improvement of intelligent computer systems that to a certain degree simulate the process of human reasoning. For their functioning it is necessary to formalize knowledge of experts and implement them in a form that is acceptable for computer processing. One of the promising ways of this representation is ontology. An ontological approach allows to combine in a single structure the data of various types, their properties, to define relations between them and to define the functions of their interpretation. Different level of knowledge generalization makes ontology a universal means of representing information of various levels of abstraction, from the most general concepts (ontology of higher level, metanetology) to ontologies of subject areas and applied tasks that solve specific problems.

GMDH is one of the effective methods of modeling of complex systems by statistical data. The actual task is the analysis and structuring of the subject area in order to further formalize the knowledge of the inductive modeling domain based on GMDH.

The purpose of the article. To analyze and to structure the domain of the inductive modeling based on GMDH with the aim of further formalization of domain knowledge using ontologies.

Methods. Basic definitions, characteristics and approaches are based on the review and analysis of thematic publications and the results of our own research.

Result. The analysis of the industry of inductive modeling from the point of view of ontological engineering is carried out, the principles for constructing the corresponding ontologies of various levels are defined — from the metamodel of the modeling process to applied task ontologies.

Fragments of ontologies of the main components of the inductive modeling process are given. Key parameters were determined, which made it possible to generalize and expedient the design of multifunctional software modules when developing the computer-based inductive modeling tools based on GMDH.

Conclusion. The result of the analysis and structuring of the GMDH based inductive modeling subject area allows to simplify the development of the software systems based on knowledge, to expand the possibility of modifying the existing computer simulation systems and to solve various applied problems.

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Keywords: ontology, inductive modeling, GMDH, metemodel.


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Received 05.09.2018