Control Systems and Computers, N1, 2016, Article 10


Upr. sist. maš., 2016, Issue 1 (261), pp. 81-91.

UDC 004.451.642

Makarycheva Valentina V., Aircraft control systems Department, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine

The Information-Computer System Assessment of Physical Health Component

The human health has been and remains difficult, difficult solvable problem. Human health has been and remains difficult, difficult solvable problem. The problem of health is complemented its new production – the preservation and maintenance of health throughout life. The effectiveness of scientific research on the issue of health requires the use of modern information technology.

The article is described the basic problems of diagnosis component of health – physical health. The information technology system diagnosis physical health is proposed which remains open, that is, with the possibility to supplement it with new modules. Attention is drawn to methodological aspects of physical health and its components by component (adaptive potential, functional and physical training, physical development). It is offers normalization procedure by which the transformation is performed indicators suitable for comparison the relative form. To convert a range of estimates obtained by known methods (Quetelet index, Pirke, Erisman, Test Cooper, adaptive potential Bayevsky, Ghencea test, Stange’s test, test Martin) in normalized information. The procedure of normalization is offered, by which the transformation is performed indicators suitable for comparison of the relative form.

The method of unification indicators helps correctly to correlate various qualities full-scale performance that are measured in different units. The diagnostic scale is proposed for evident interpretation.

Information technology is proposed. It is useful for developing computer technology. In the article is introduced the functional stages of information and computer technology evaluation and interpretation of verbal performing physical organism.

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Keywords: physical health, criteria of quantitative, physical health, multidimensional scaling, information technology, software implementation.

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Recieved 09.04.2015