Control Systems and Computers, N1, 2016, Article 5


Upr. sist. maš., 2016, Issue 1 (261), pp. 45-49.

UDC 615.04

Khodakovskyi N.I., PhD of Eng. Sciences, Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Glushkov ave., 40, Kyiv, 03187, E-mail:,

Kuz’menko B.V. , Doctor (Eng.), Institute of Coal Technologies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kiev)

The construction of an automaton model of training in computer-based training environments

Introduction. The achievement of high intellectual level for new educational technologies through the use of computer learning environments can be created. Based on a special developed model knowledge representation and procedures for the withdrawal of these new facts solver of mathematical problems that solves them better and faster than a human can be simulated. The carefully selected, filtered and specially organized arsenal of ready-made forms, techniques and methods of solving mathematical problems computer was used.

The offered automata models of student and teacher, are capable to interact with each other through the space formal educational material and using intelligent assistants machines help to create the exercises and solve the problems without the programming procedures.

Methods. The tools of automatic correction of the individual strategies and the possibility of transferring student model formed by a teacher at the personal contacts in the educational computing environment approach is proposed.

Conclusion. The construction of educational technology based on the computer learning environments for automata models of student and teacher, who interact with each other through the space of educational material in the form of formalized information marked trees is used. The intelligent assistants in creation the exercises and the problem solving can be used.

Keywords: computer training environment, automaton model of learning, learning technologies, intelligent assistants.

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Recieved 09.04.2015