Control Systems and Computers, N6, 2016, Article 4


Upr. sist. maš., 2016, Issue 6 (266), pp. 34-39.

UDC 004.274

Barkalov A.A., Doctor (Eng.), Institute of Computer Engineering and Electronics, Institute of Informatics and Electronics Zielenogorski University, ul. Podgorna, 50, Zielona Gora, 65-246, POLAND,,

Titarenko L.A.,Doctor (Eng.), Professor, Institute of Computer Engineering and Electronics, Institute of Informatics and Electronics Zielenogorski University, ul. Podgorna, 50, Zielona Gora, 65-246, POLAND,

Vizor Y.E., PhD (Eng.), +38 (044) 526-25-04, V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 03187, Glushkov ave., 40, Ukraine, E-mail:,

Matvienko A.V., Researcher Associate, V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 03187, Glushkov ave., 40, Ukraine, +38 (044) 526-30-69, E-mail:

An Optimal State Assignment for the Combined Automation

Introduction. An offer in-process method allows to decrease the number of EMB blocks and LUT elements in the chart of the combined microprogram automat. It is arrived at due to the corresponding encryption of the states. Thus, the optimal encryption of the states is primery, allowing to decrease the number of address entrances of EMB. The optimization of LUT block is needed at violation of corresponding terms. The codes of the states can be changed without the change of code of class of K (Bi ). The codes of the states have got the specified features.

Purpose. The analysis of the used library showed that this method allows to get charts with one block of EMB for 82% of all examples. Thus, corresponding condition is violated in 46% of all examples. Transposition of the codes of the state allows to decrease the number of LUT elements for 60% of these examples.

Conclusion.  Further direction of researches is related to adaptation of the new features of the combined automat. It allows to decrease the number of LUT elements in the block of replacement of the logical terms as compared to  the well-known replacement methods.

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Keywords: combined FSM, FPGA, LUT, EMB, synthesis, graph-scheme of algorithm. 

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Received 09.04.2016