About the journal
Scientists, researchers, engineers, lecturers, graduate students and post-graduate students of related disciplines are the target audience of this journal.
The journal is included in the Periodical List recommended by the MEN of Ukraine to publish the results of theses in the field of physical-mathematical and technical c sciences for scientific degrees competition.
Research topics
- General issues of information science and information technologies
- Computer Science theory and practice
- Information science and information technologies theory and practice
- Systems theory and intelligent control
- Conception thinking
- Intelligent information technologies and systems
- Knowledge processing methods and tools
- Information and communication environment
- Information environment and security problems
- Software and software engineering
- Electronic teaching technologies
- Information technologies in social and economic systems
- Economic and mathematical modeling
- Applications. Development and implementation expertise
- Current events, conferences, exhibitions, letters to the editors, discussions, new books.
According to the Resolution of the Presidium of the SCC of Ukraine No 27-05/1 of 15.01.2003 “About the Demands’ Advancement to Professional Editions included in the SCC of Ukraine List” manuscripts accepted for publication should:
- describe a problem and its relation to the research or practical tasks
- analyze the newest researches and publications guiding the author (where is the problem is being started to solve)
- to single out an unsolved part of the problem and the topic of the suggested manuscript, to settle the goal of the manuscript (a problem description)
- set out the problem and the scientific results of research with their complete substantiation
- contain conclusions of the research and prospects for its further development.
The journal is included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) http://www.elibrary.ru.