Control Systems and Computers, N4, 2024, Article 8
Control Systems and Computers, 2024, Issue 4 (308), pp. 68-84.
UDC 519.85
Yu.H. TARASICH, PhD Inform. Technologies, V.M.Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of the NAS of Ukraine, Glushkov ave., 40, Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine, ORCID:,
Introduction. Despite the rapid development of the chemical industry and science, discoveries in the field of health care, the emergence of drugs and therapeutics based on nanotechnology and the development of radiation therapy technologies, the safety of biomedical applications of the latest products, and the search for new methods and approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of cancer are an open issue. One of the safest and fastest methods for researching the behaviour of new materials and tools and selecting the best candidates is the modelling of relevant processes, particularly computer molecular modelling based on mathematical models. However, despite a large number of available methods and modelling tools, for most of them, the successful application is possible only for a narrow range of tasks and experiments.
As one of the possible solutions to this problem, we propose a new approach to computer molecular modelling based on the synergy of the algebraic approach, namely, algebraic modelling and biological knowledge at different levels of abstraction, starting from quantum interactions to interactions of biological systems.
We see one of the directions of application of this approach in the possibilities of modelling the radiation therapy process – starting from modelling the accelerators’ work and ending with modelling the interaction of the particles’ beam with the matter at the level of quantum interactions. In particular, in the article, we consider the possibilities of forward (specific and symbolic) and backward (symbolic) algebraic modelling on the example of models of the higher level of abstraction, which allows us to visualize certain interactions and to build charts of dependencies for specific models, and to determine the presence of the desired scenarios (forward modelling) or a set of initial environment parameters (backward modelling) in symbolic form.
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Keywords: Molecular Modelling, Algebraic Modelling, Modelling of Biological Experiments, Proton Therapy Modelling, Theory of Agents and Environments Interaction, Symbolic Modelling.
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Received 30.10.2024