Control Systems and Computers, N3, 2024, Article 2

Control Systems and Computers, 2024, Issue 3 (307), pp.

UDK 681.3

O.I. Ivaneshkin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Leading Researcher, International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems NAS and MES of Ukraine, Acad. Glushkov Ave., 40, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03187, ORCID:,


Introduction. The current trend of continuous integration of various areas of scientific and practical human activity contributes to the constant increase in the complexity of problems, the successful solution of which becomes possible only through the use of large volumes of information, as a rule, geographically distributed across multiple database files. In this case, the need to know the locations and features of the interaction of its components becomes of fundamental importance when organizing the most convenient and efficient ways to access it.

In some cases, to meet such needs, you can use the services of existing products (Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, FileMaker Pro, Oracle Database, dBASE, etc.). Sometimes, using a specialized SQL language or its dialects, it is more convenient to create a “handmade” one that will satisfy the stated requirements.

If the user desires or needs to know the location of the information used in the work, understand the logic of the mechanism for obtaining it, and evaluate the effectiveness of the ways of its delivery to constantly monitor its current and future nomenclature and quantity, its developments can help, which can provide more detailed information, than known means.

As experience shows, obtaining an integral and effective solution to this set of closely interrelated issues becomes possible only with the availability of a purely specialized software tool for the automated construction of link diagrams, which is a multifunctional, operational, easy-to-learn, and easy-to-use user environment. Endowed with the ability at any time and with minimal user participation to visualize on the screen the current structure of the created database with the required degree of clarity, detail, and ease of perception, such an environment should become a means of operational analysis and assessment of ways of possible modification of the database itself in the direction of creating a more effective one in practical terms, regarding the variant of its structure.

Purpose. Research and practical testing of the existing capabilities of approaches, methods, algorithms, and software modules that were developed during the creation of a universal information software technology for working with undirected graphs of the “mixed forest” type. To evaluate the efficiency and feasibility of using these approaches to improve a set of integrated software tools for the automated construction of relational database link diagrams with minimal user participation in this process.

Methods. Database systems, apparatus of graph-tree theory.

Result. A new approach is proposed, and the result of its software implementation is presented in the form of a “pilot” version of a set of software tools for the automated construction of relational database link schemes. The basis of the approach is techniques, methods, algorithms, etc. which were created and implemented programmatically in a new, universal information software technology for working with (temporarily) undirected graphs of the “sour cream forest” type. , Software package (SP) makes “formal” the user’s participation in the process of building link diagrams. By greatly reducing the time required for this and providing more than 90% savings in the technical resources of the computer used, SP makes it possible to take into account data tables, the total number of fields of which is limited only by the latter’s capabilities. A positive conclusion about the suitability of such an approach will become an incentive for its further improvement in the form of specialized information software technology as an effective means of solving the problems of constructing relational database link schemes.

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Keywords: Relational databases, data tables, link scheme, undirected tree graphs, software package, information software technology.

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Received 05.04.2024