Control Systems and Computers, N2, 2024, Article 4

Control Systems and Computers, 2024, Issue 2 (306), pp. 

UDC 16.001.8+519,8.004.42

V.H. KOLISNYK, Senior Researcher of the Department of APP, Donbas State Engineering Academy, Ukraine,
ORCID:, 72, Academic Str., Kramatorsk, 84301, Ukraine, 

O.P. BODYK, PhD Philology, Associate Professor of English Philology Department, Mariupol State University, Ukraine, ORCID:, Scopus Author ID: 57226887704, 6, Preobrazhenska Str., Kyiv, 03037, Ukraine,


The concept of analysis is being contemplated in its most comprehensive philosophical context. An endeavour is undertaken to systematise the examination and present it in the form of a systematic procedure, in essence, to construct a formal comprehensive analysis model. The generalised model combines normal data processing procedures with pairs of philosophical categories of the most generic form as components. The sequence of their application is determined. This order is based on the degree of generality of the categories. Consequently, several analysis models were acquired. Despite the observable consistency in the sequence of category application, a comprehensive analytical model has not yet been established based on this series. However, the analysis techniques that have been obtained can already be regarded as prototypes of practical algorithms, serving as the foundation for deductively deriving algorithms for actual computer programmes.

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Keywords: analysis, algorithmic analysis model, analysis algorithm, generalized concepts, philosophical categories, system, element.

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Received 21.03.2024