Control Systems and Computers, N2, 2024, Article 3

Control Systems and Computers, 2024, Issue 2 (306), pp.

UDC 004.7

I.M. Oksanych, PhD (Eng.), Senior Research Associate, The Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems Problems of the Ukraine National Academy of Science (IMMSP NAS of Ukraine), ORCID:, Glushkov ave., 42, Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine,

V.F. Grechaninov, PhD (Eng.), Head of Department, The Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems Problems of the Ukraine National Academy of Science (IMMSP NAS of Ukraine), ORCID:, Glushkov ave., 42, Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine,

A.V. Lopushanskyi, Research Associate, The Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems Problems of the Ukraine National Academy of Science (IMMSP NAS of Ukraine), ORCID:,
Glushkov ave., 42, Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine,

S.E. Novgorodskij, Senior Research Associate, The Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems Problems of the Ukraine National Academy of Science (IMMSP NAS of Ukraine), ORCID: Glushkov ave., 42, Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine,

V.F. Holovskyi, Senior Research Associate, The Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems Problems of the Ukraine National Academy of Science (IMMSP NAS of Ukraine), ORCID:,
Glushkov ave., 42, Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine,


The article is devoted to solving the problem of determining the resilience of critical infrastructure systems to malicious actions of adversaries. Different modeling methods and their integration are considered. Using the example of a system of systems, including energy and transport networks, the application of methods of agent, network, economic modeling and the method of system dynamics are considered, which are combined into a single structure of analysis for the development of algorithms for general decision-making support for the protection of critical infrastructure systems.

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Keywords: modeling the resilience of critical infrastructure, agent-based modeling, network modeling, system dynamics methods.

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Received 01.05.2024