Control Systems and Computers, N1, 2021, Article 1

Control Systems and Computers, 2021, Issue 1 (291), pp. 3-14.

UDC 519.718

B.Ye. RYTSAR, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Department of Radioelectronic Devices Systems, Institute of Telecommunications, Radioelectronics and Electronic Engineering, L’viv polytechnic National University, Bandera str., 12, L’viv, 79013, Ukraine,
A.O. BELOVOLOV, Master, Institute of Telecommunications, Radioelectronics and Electronic Engineering, L’viv polytechnic National University, Bandera str., 12, L’viv, 79013, Ukraine,

A New Method of the Logical FunctionsMinimization in the Polynomial Set-Theoretical Format. «Handshaking» Procedure

A new minimization method of logic functions of n variables in polynomial set-theoretical format has been considered. The method based on the so-called “handshaking” procedure.  This procedure reflects the iterative polynomial extension of two conjuncterms of different ranks, the Hamming distance between which can be arbitrary. The advantages of the suggested method are illustrated by the examples.

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Keywords: minimization of logical function, conjuncture, polynomial set-theoretic format, heming distance, “handshake” procedure.

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Received 24.11.2020