Control Systems and Computers, N1, 2018, Article 5


Upr. sist. maš., 2018, Issue 1 (273), pp. 49-57.

UDC 004.4 451

Rybachok Natalia A., PhD (Eng.), Senior Lecturer, , E-mail:,

Zabolotnia Tetyana M., associate professor, PhD(Eng.), E-mail:,

Lyushenko Lesya A., PhD(Eng.), Senior Lecturer, E-mail:,

Suschuk-Slusarenko Victoriya I., Senior Lecturer, E-mail:,

Computer Systems Software Department of the Applied Mathematics Faculty National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Politechnic Institute”, Peremohy Ave 37, Kyiv, Ukraine

Configuration Services Methodology for Windows 10 Home and Pro Editions Using Virtualization Technology

Introduction. The tasks of services configuration in Windows 10 are of great practical importance for experienced users and system administrators under the conditions of the new Windows 10 version installation on a single or multiple computers as well as after Windows 10 updating.

Purpose. The purpose of the given research is to develop a methodology of services configuring in Windows 10 Home and Pro editions using virtualization technology, which can be applied to desktops and laptops.

Methods. For the Windows 10 services configuration it is recommended to use the “model” OS that is installed on the virtual machine. An iterative procedures for OS services configuring are need to be done at the “model” OS. As a result, a tweak that contains the value of the registry parameters that are responsible for the Windows services run level setting will be created. Then the created tweak is used for transferring the services settings to the “main” OS.

Results. The presented methodology of services configuration in Windows 10 can be used for reducing of the OS boot time, the computer system’s performance improving, and unnecessary services disabling.

The benefits of this methodology are: improving security of the “main” OS, reduced the “main” OS maintenance time, reducing maintenance time for a multiple workstations with the “main” OS, restoring of the “main” OS services configuration after the failure, creating a single Windows services profile for multiple workstations.

Thus, the characteristics of Windows services run levels are investigated, the recommendations for their changes are given. The procedure for Windows services configuration is described in detail.

Conclusion. The presented methodology of services configuration in Windows 10 for PC can be used for services on other devices with the installed Windows 10.

Keywords: Windows 10 Home, Windows Pro, services configuration, Windows services, service run level, virtual machine, registry tweak.

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  15. RYBACHOK N.A., 201. “Konfihuruvannya «novykh» sluzhb Windows 10, yaki nalashtovani na avtozapusk”. Materialy naukovoyi konferentsiyi «PMK–2017», April, 19–21, 2017, Kiev: Prosvita, pp. 229–235. (In Ukrainian).
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Received 15.01.2018