Control Systems and Computers, N2, 2020, Article 4

Control Systems and Computers, 2020, Issue 2 (286), pp. 30-40.

UDK 007:330

 Nadiia V. Maidaniuk, PhD student, International Research and Training Centre of Information Technologies and Systems of the NAS and MES of Ukraine, Glushkov ave., 40, Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine,


IntroductionThe issues connected with the use of technologies Internet of things (IoT) of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies for cyber-physical systems and analyzes the types of IoT platforms and their application to “smart” enterprises.

Today, the Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the fastest growing industries. The use of “smart” technology in new products is growing rapidly every year. Innovation is being developed and brand new business models and services are being created for the next generation of consumers. IoT technology offers unprecedented business and public sector opportunities. Therefore, the use of IoT technologies for cyber-physical systems of a “smart” enterprise is relevant and needs more investigation.

Purpose: show how the application of IoT technologies to cyber-physical systems accelerates the development and transition to “smart” enterprises.

Methods: the methodology for the application of IoT technologies for cyber-physical systems of “smart” enterprise is considered. The types of platforms and basic principles for building “smart” enterprises are considered and the concept of “Data Lake” for “smart” enterprise is considered.

Results. IoT platforms and the feasibility of using management methodologies for a smart enterprise are discussed. The basis for the introduction of the industrial Internet of things in the modern “smart” enterprise is platform automation. Often they are developed in accordance with the requirements and infrastructure of each enterprise – in this case, their internal structure can successfully evaluate only local professionals – developers.

Conclusion. The rapid development of information technology and the increasing share of remote maintenance operations in the total volume of enterprises causes an increase in requirements for the level of technical application for a “smart” enterprise due to the use of IoT technologies for cyber-physical systems of a “smart” enterprise.

The relevance of these issues is also due to the fact that in Ukraine is just beginning to consider and apply IoT technologies for cyber-physical systems of a smart enterprise. It is, therefore, necessary to continue research in this area and develop new advanced IoT platform that will be effective for enterprises.

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Keywords: Internet of Things, cyber-physical systems, enterprise, industrial IoT, platform, «smart» enterprise, technology IoT.

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Received  23.09.2019