Control Systems and Computers, N2, 2016, Article 3


Upr. sist. maš., 2016, Issue 2 (262), pp. 28-33, 84.

UDC 004:519.876, 004.93

A.M. Qasem, PhD (Eng.), V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics, The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Glushkov ave., 40, Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine, 

The Formalization of the Data Handling Process of Raster Masking of Sprites’ Transparency

Introduction. Method is proposed for providing the transparency of the background bitmap pixels of multi-format symbols of moving objects at their outputting to the cartographic background.

Method. The essence of the method is in the intermediate buffer to perform the two sequential formalized raster operations with the masks of transparency AND and OR. It ensures the prioritized displaying of transparent sprites in relation to the cartographic background, without the need to comply the requirement which consists in absence the value of transparent background color among the color codes in the image contour of a single symbol.

Results and Conclusion. Due to the formalizing of the task of the display of transparent symbol images on the cartographic background it was succeeded to allocate the classes of operations that are common to many existing methods of forming the dynamic scenarios in terms of achieving the transparency effect. Such operations include the construction of a transparency mask, its use, taking into account the interaction of image pixels of the source and receiver, the transfer of the image bits from the source to the destination (bit-blitting).

Pre-execution of the bitwise logical operations as AND and OR with initial and final pixels into special designated video-buffer according to the proposed technics for transparent colors also allows to avoid the possible flashing during the implementation of the blitting process.

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Keywords: dynamic 2D-scene, transparency mask, raster logic operations, sprite, cartographical background

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Received 09.04.2015