Control Systems and Computers, N1, 2018, Article 8


Upr. sist. maš., 2018, Issue 1 (273), pp. 80-86.

UDC 681.513.7

Antoniuk Yaroslav M., Researcher Associate, E-mail:

Prus Tatyana M., Ingeneer-programmer, E-mail:,

International Research and Training Centre of Information Technologies and Systems of the NAS and MES of Ukraine, Glushkov ave., 40, Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine

Organization of the Converged Campus Computer Environment at the Academic Institution

Introduction. The issue of the multi-service space organization on campus and corporate networks are fundamental in the design computer networks (CN) at the institutions of the academic type. The diversity of the scientific departments and divisions specific work generate a load of the support part of the CN at the academic campus with a high degree of probability of collisions and lowering of the total throughput ability. A phased network design that satisfies user requirements involves the organization of the stage preliminary planning, taking into account the specificity of each stage implementation, monitoring the status of traffic and the stability of the service clouds.

Purpose. In the resulted material the task of the architectural solution supporting construction of a wide range of the network model protocols level, voice and video communication, in institutions based on the standard structure of NAS and MES of Ukraine. Since the standard equipment that provides a basic set of application protocols of the standard Internet-stack, often does not correspond necessary potential, the primary systematization is proposed options for linking the core network infrastructure.

Methods. The method of step-by-step integration of the additional services into existing data transmission networks is used.

Results. Based on the analysis of the multi service set functioning, implemented in the support part of the KN formed a complex of BKTU, developed a methodology for organizing the management system of convergent the basic computer telecommunication node of the corporate network institutions of the academic type.

Conclusion. In the current economic environment, the creation of optimized computer systems are the determining the possibility of existing institutions of the academic sector. Created the software and hardware control system of the BKTU allows to redistribute the processing power server stations depending on the load of the current processing requests, to implement an economical budget decision, to adapt the cloud hyper visor management platforms for virtual server units. The technology of managing computing power is combined with balancing network resources – internal and external dynamic routing, implemented by the standard stack protocols.

Keywords: multiservice computer network, convergenta computer network, corporate cloud technologies, academic infrastructure, campus network.

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Received 14.10.2017