Control Systems and Computers, N1, 2020, Article 1

Control Systems and Computers, 2020, Issue 1 (285), pp. 3-22.

UDK 681.3.006

A.M. Petrushenko, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, 03022, Kyiv, ave. Academician Glushkov, 4D, Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics,


Introduction. Promising areas of research that are developing both in Ukraine and abroad include the so-called transformational synthesis methods. According to these methods, a computing system is obtained by phasing the initial description of the system (setting the task) according to the rules, which is knowledge about the problem being solved. In this area of research, two interrelated directions can be distinguished–the theoretical and applied. The theoretical direction requires, in particular, the presentation of various computational models that describe particular parts of computing systems, and the study of basic transformations in these models. The applied direction is associated with the creation of a transformation machine, the commands for which are basic transformations, and the data are expressions in the language over which these transformations are given. The Ukrainian Algebra-Cybernetic School researches the computational model, which is based on the concept of a discrete information converter. Representation of the computing process in this form allowed V.M. Glushkov and his students to create a new theoretical direction in the applied theory of algorithms – the algebra of algorithms. A characteristic feature of this direction is the commonality of mathematical models and methods for designing programs and equipment. The apparatus of the algebra of algorithms is the basis of the dialogue transformation machine – the main object of this article.

The purpose is to demonstrate the inextricable link between the fundamental concepts of the general theory of computer systems design and practical methods of designing software and hardware of computer technology, as well as new technological capabilities that arise when using the apparatus of the algebra of algorithms in the process of designing programs and equipment using an interactive transformational machine.

Methods. When implementing the tools (conversational transformation machine) and the synthesis algorithm of operating devices, we used the algebraic-grammatical method of representing knowledge, the method of constructing operating devices based on the principle of microprogram control, the methods of the abstract and structural theory of automata, the methods of the algebra of algorithms, etc.

Results. Synthesis methods for operating devices developed for the language of graph diagrams of algorithms and the language of logical diagrams of algorithms are extended to the language CAA \ D– the input language of the dialogue transformation machine. Based on the dialogue transformational machine, a toolkit has been developed that embodies the V.M. Glushkov mathematical model and allows the complex automation of the operating devices: from setting the task to obtaining a sketch of the printed circuit board.

Conclusions. The integral algebraic-grammatical apparatus underlying the dialogue transformational machine combines algebraic, logical, and grammatical formalisms and is focused on the multi-level structural design of classes of algorithms and associated programs (serial and parallel) and hardware. It is characterized by the analytical style of the specifications of programs and equipment, focused on their optimizing transformations in order to achieve the necessary quality indicators. At the same time, using the CAA \ Dv language as the input language of the dialog transformational machine allows you to increase the “intelligence” of the computer to a level that provides direct communication with it, in particular, inexperienced in programming users who are specialists in specific areas.

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Keywords: microprogram control principle, discrete information converter, operating device, algorithm algebra, algebra-grammatical method of knowledge representation, dialogue transformation machine.

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 Received  16.10.2019