Control Systems and Computers, N1, 2017, Article 8


Upr. sist. maš., 2017, Issue 1 (267), pp. 77-85.

UDC 004+007:336.1

Olga P. Stepanenko

Digital Transformation of the Banking System in Conditions of Formation and Development of the Digital Economy

Doctor of Econ. Sc., International Research and Training Centre of Information Technologies and Systems of the NAS and MES of Ukraine, Glushkov ave., 40, Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine, Kyiv National Economics University named after Vadym Hetman, E-mail:

Introduction. In the conditions of the digital economy development, the digital transformation of banking system is the driving force for the sustainable development of the global world community. This predetermines the need and relevance of research into the processes of digital transformation of the banking system.

Purpose. Analyze the processes of changes in the banking system in the conditions of formation and development of the digital economy, define the main problem issues and describe the concept of research and analysis of the processes of digital transformation of the banking system.

Methods. The methodological basis of the article are fundamental provisions were foreign and domestic science in the field of economics, banking, information technology.

Results. The processes of digital transformation of the banking system in the conditions of the formation and development of the digital economy were investigated. The following and the primary objectives of the digital transformation of the banking system were identified:

– formation of digital assets of the banking system;

– development of the digital information and communication infrastructure of the banking system and the develop­ment of digital financial and banking services in the framework of financial support for the cross-border space of the digital economy;

– the creation of digital financial networks of Internet of Things.

The concept of research and analysis of the processes of digital transformation of the banking system in the context of the formation and development of the digital economy is described.

Conclusion. The formation and development of the digital economy, which is now taking place, will lead to a revision of the role of the banking system in ensuring the processes of economic functioning and development. Therefore, the banking sector must adapt to the conditions of the modern economy, primarily in terms of speed and quality of services and decisions, which in the current reality is possible only because of the digital transformation of the banking system.

Perspective. The urgent tasks of the future development of the banking sector the following:

– use of remote banking channels and mobile devices, client applications for smartphones and tablet computers;

– creation of an integrated system for managing customer interaction, which allows detailed analysis of the client base, form highly specialized proposals for client groups and forecast the demand for services;

– use of technologies to integrate and support banking transactions in the cross-border space of the world economy;

– development and implementation of reliable information security tools.

Keywords: digital economy, digital transformation, information and communication infrastructure, banking system, information society, Internet of Things

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Received 10.03.2017